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Level 3 Fiji Teachers Union Building, 1-3 Berry Road, Suva

How to Becomes a Member

Eligibility for admission and registration may vary based on an applicant’s qualifications and practical experience, allowing for three potential categories: Accounting Technician, Associate Accountant or Chartered Accountant. The detailed qualifications and practical experience required for each membership category are outlined in the following sections.

An applicant who wishes to be registered as an Accounting Technician must have graduated with either a recognised Diploma or a recognised Degree with sufficient academic units that would satisfy the essential elements of the recognised Diplomas.

The recognised Diplomas (pre 2011 Diplomas marked with an asterisk) are as follows: University of the South Pacific Diploma in Accounting Studies; or
University of Fiji Diploma in Accounting; or
Fiji National University 2011 revised Diploma in Accounting; or
Fiji National University Advanced Diploma in Accounting*; or
Fiji Institute of Technology Diploma in Business Studies (Accounting)*; or
TAFE Advanced Diploma in Accounting, Western Sydney Institute offered through the National Training  Productivity Centre of the Fiji National University 

The recognised Degrees are listed under the requirements for Associate Accountant membership.

Accounting Technicians are not required to have gained any practical experience. 

Applicants who have completed a recognised Degree but who have not completed all the 20 prescribed undergraduate academic units to qualify as a Associate Accountant may also qualify for admission as Accounting Technician provided they have completed sufficient of the prescribed academic units substantially to qualify for a recognised Diploma.

Any applicant who wishes to be registered as a Associate Accountant must have graduated with a recognised Degree and have completed at least the 20 academic units required by the Fiji Institute of Chartered Accountants.
The recognised Degrees are as follows: 
    University of the South Pacific Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting; or
    University of Fiji Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting); or
    Fiji National University Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting); or
    Fiji National University Bachelor in Accounting
    Fulton Adventist University College in Bachelor of Business (Accounting & Management)

The Fiji Institute of Chartered Accountants does not directly recognise any academic qualifications gained at overseas (non Fiji) technical colleges or universities. Applicants with any such overseas academic qualifications will need to have their official transcripts assessed by the University of the South Pacific for comparability. The Institute will facilitate this assessment provided the applicant makes available the originally certified stamped transcript and certificate.

The academic units required for admission as a Associate Accountant are as follows:
No. Unit Name The University of the South Pacific  Fiji National University University of Fiji Fulton College  
Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code 
1 Introduction to AFM Part I AF101 / AC101 / SE171 ACC501 / C5001 / C4034 ACC101 BAAS102
2 Introduction to AFM Part II      AF102 / AC102 / SE172 ACC502 / C6004 / C5032  ACC102 BAAS203
3 Introduction to Law of Commerce  AF108 / AC204 / AC306 / SE376 / SE275 LAW501 / C5002 / C4371 ACC103 BAGS202
4 Introduction to Accounting Information Systems AF121 / IS121 / IS100 / CS121 / CS100 CIN506 / C5101 / C4231  ACC110 / ITC100 / ITC101 / CSA101 BACS102
5 Principles of Macroeconomics EC101 / EC102 / SE111 ECN501 / C5202 / C4271 / ECN502 / C5272 / C5205 ECO101 / ECO102  BAAS103
6 Financial Mathematics   FM101 / MA101 / MA111 / MA251 / ED214 MTH507 / C5701  MTH101 BAAS101
                                                                               Plus any two other 100-level units  BAGS101
7 Managerial Accounting    AF201 / AC201 / SE271 ACC602 / C6002  ACC201 BAAS301
8  Law of Associations AF205 / AC205 / AC305 / SE375 LAW603 ACC205  BAG203
9 Financial management AF208 / AC303 / SE373 FIN601 / C6202 ACC208 BAAS304
10 Financial Accounting    AF210 / AF203 / AC203 / AC202 / SW272 ACC601 / C6001 / C5031 ACC203 BAAS201
                                                                                Plus any two other 200-level units  BAGS201
11 Accounting Theory and Applications  AF301 / AC301 / SE371 ACC706  ACC301 BAAS204
12 Information Systems AF302 / AC302 / SE372 CIN708 ACC302 BAAS202
13 Auditing     AF304 / AC304 / SE374 ACC701 / C7001 ACC304 BAAS302
14 Taxation Law   AF308 / AC308 / AC305 / SE375  LAW601 / C6003 / C5531 ACC308 BAAS303
                                                                               Plus any two other 300-level units  BAGS301

Associate Accountant members are not required to have gained any practical experience.

An applicant who wishes to be registered as a Chartered Accountant must have graduated with a recognised degree and have completed at least the 20 academic units required by the Fiji Institute of Chartered Accountants (i.e. the same undergraduate academic qualifications that are required for a Associate Accountant membership) but he/she is also required to complete a minimum of three years of practical experience and also to complete either the four “core units” out of the USP’s/FNU’s/UOF’s Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting. 
Applicants for Chartered Accountant membership are required to complete a total of at least 3 years of acceptable practical experience. One of those years may be completed before the completion of the 20 required undergraduate academic units but the other two have to be completed after completing the last of the 20 required academic units and must be completed under the supervision of an eligible mentor. 
Applicants for mentored practical experience will be required to enter into an agreement with an “eligible mentor” (any registered Chartered Accountant with at least 4 years of practical experience after being admitted as a Chartered Accountant) to supervise the next two years’ practical experience of the applicant. The signed mentor agreement must be submitted to FICA prior to the commencement of the mentorship.  During those two years the applicant will be required to demonstrate to the mentor that he/she has gained experience in at least three of the following six areas of practical experience (with in-depth experience in one):

                External Reporting
                Insolvency and Reconstruction
                Management Accounting

Applicants applying straight into CA membership must provide a status declaration by mentor accompanied by the mentor agreement. This requirement does not apply to current members and cross-credit applicants.


Applicants in academia are required to hold a Doctorate or Masters degree majoring in Accounting or in an allied subject and to have held a position of lecturer or a more senior position at an accredited tertiary institute teaching undergraduate or postgraduate courses required to be completed by applicants seeking admission to the Institute as a Chartered Accountant for at least five years. Applicants will have taught a range of courses including at least 3 out of the 6 categories of practical experience required for non academic applicants, certified by a senior academic.


Applicants for Chartered Accountant membership are also required to complete four “core units” out of the USP’s/FNU’s/UOF’s Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting. 


Alternatively applicants may now enrol for four out of the following 10 accredited postgraduate units offered by the University of the South Pacific under its Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting with the one marked in bold being compulsory: 

USP Postgraduate Diploma
AF420                   Financial Statement Analysis
AF431                   Advanced Management Accounting
AF432                   Information Systems Control Audit
AF433                   Advanced Financial Accounting
AF401                   Forensic Accounting and Practice
AF405                   Fraud Accounting and Investigation
AF436                   Accounting for Management Control
AF437                   Issues of Governance and Ethics in Accounting
AF439                   Advanced Taxation Contemporary Issues
AF440                   Advanced Taxation Structures
[AF437 and one out of AF420, AF431, AF432 and AF433 are compulsory, plus two other of the listed units as electives]

FNU Postgraduate Diploma
ACC811                Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Governance
ACC801                Taxation of Business Enterprises
ACC802                Developments in Auditing and Assurance Services
ACC803                Advanced Financial Reporting
ACC804                Developments in Management Accounting
ACC807                Forensic Accounting – Conduct and Procedures
ACC808                Forensic and Litigation Services
ACC809                Fraud Examination and Investigative Techniques
FIN807                  Financial Statement Analysis
FIN808                  Advanced Corporate Finance
TAX801                 Taxation of Business Enterprises
[ACC811 and one out of ACC802, ACC803, ACC804 and FIN807 are compulsory plus two others of the listed units as electives]

UOF Postgraduate Diploma 
Core Courses:
ACC402                Ethics, Governance & Accountability
ACC403                Advanced Financial Reporting

ELECTIVES: (Two courses from the following)
ACC401                Advanced Accounting Theory
ACC404                Advanced Management Accounting
ACC405                Advanced Auditing and Assurance Services
ACC406                Financial Statement Analysis
ACC407                Business Research Methods
ACC408                Advanced Taxation, Law & Practice 


Under Rule 9 (1) of the FICA Rules, a certificate of public practice shall be issued to a member who satisfies the Council that he meets the following requirements:

(a) is a fit and proper person to offer accounting services to the public;

(b)s resident in Fiji or if he or she is not resident in Fiji, is a partner in a firm of Chartered Accountants practising in Fiji;

(c) is a Chartered Accountant member of the Institute;

(d) has had 3 or more years of acceptable practical experience under the supervision of or in the office of a Chartered Accountant in public practice in Fiji or at the Office of the Auditor General after becoming a Chartered Accountant in Fiji or by a recognised association, or has had 7 or more years of acceptable practical experience under the supervision of or in the office of a Chartered Accountant in public practice in Fiji or by a recognised association;

(e) proposes to hold himself or herself out as offering accounting services to the public from an office, the location and organisational arrangements of which the Council has approved; and

(f) any other condition that the Council deems necessary.


The Council, when considering whether or not to grant its consent for a chartered accountant in public practice to form or to use an incorporated company may take into account and prescribe any or all of the following conditions:

a) the functions which the proposed company intends to practice and whether these might be in conflict with the professional and ethical standards of the Institute;

b) the name proposed for the company and whether that would indicate specialised services;

c) that the shareholders carrying majority voting rights and a majority of directors of the company shall be restricted to  professional accountants in public practice and any other shareholders or other directors of the company who are not      chartered accountants in public practice should be restricted to employees of the company;

d) the Council should be advised of any material change in the shareholdings or the directorships of the company or of any        proposed amendment to the memorandum and articles of association of the company.
Under Rule 23.—(1)  of the FICA Rules, A registered Chartered Accountant may apply in writing to the Council in the approved form, accompanied by the approved fee, to be admitted as a Fellow of the Institute and must satisfy such conditions as approved by the Council. (2) Any person who applies to be a Fellow of the Institute must—

(a)be a resident;

(b)have paid his or her annual fee for a period of not less than 10 years; and

(c) have made a significant contribution to the Institute.

(3) Upon admission of the person as a Fellow of the Institute and for such time that the person is a Fellow of the Institute, the person is entitled to— 

(a) describe himself or herself as a “Fellow of the Fiji Institute of Chartered Accountants”; and

(b) use the abbreviation “FCA (Fiji)” after his or her name to indicate his or her qualification.

As per section 6 (2) of the FICA Regulation, The Council may consider any full member of a society or institute that is a full member of IFAC for registration as a member of the Institute.